
vegan mofo 2009.

In celebration of my 15-year vegan-versary, I am participating in Vegan MoFo.

A really amazing event, where vegan (and non-vegan) blogs around the globe discuss vegan food for the month of October. And since October is the month when I start to use my kitchen again (thanks Atlanta summers) and I just finished reading Julie & Julia (meh), the timing seemed right.

For those of you that are here for the random pottery content, consider this fair warning. There is about to be way more posts. All of them yummy (or not so yummy) vegan food related.

While I don't have a working theme, I do plan on cooking most of the entries. And trying to stretch my somewhat limited culinary skills on some recipes that I have been hesitant to try. But I can tell you this: there will be biscuits. Lots of biscuits.

First up:

Leftover lentil soup.
Jalapeno and chedder biscuits. (HIAV biscuit recipe with 2 minced jalapenos and about 1/3 cup shredded Follow Your Heart chedder cheese)

We don't really eat much vegan cheese, so this is different for us. Kenn loves the jalapeno and cheddar biscuits at Sevenanda (vegetarian food co-op right up the street), so I tried to make them. I thought they were pretty good.

And, of course, leftover lentil soup is always good.


  1. Happy veganversary! 15 years is amazing - woohoooo!
    And happy Mofo'ing too!

  2. That looks so good!!! And your pottery is beautiful.

  3. Oh wow. That biscuit looks so fluffy and amazing.
