

My pots are in a cookbook! And not just any cookbook. But the 10th Anniversary edition of "How It All Vegan" by Tanya Barnard and Sarah Kramer. Included in the new edition are some beautiful photos of some vegan food porn. And that is where my dishes come in!

Firstly, let me just say that Sarah Kramer is amazing for giving me a chance to be a tiny part of her cookbook.

I went vegan in 1994. (as I typed that, I realized that my 15-year vegan-niversary is in October!!!) And for a long time, I was the only vegan I knew. So when I came across my first copy of "How It All Vegan," I was thrilled to see women who looked like maybe, if I was a little cooler and had a little more punk in me, could be my friends. They were my age and they had their own vegan cookbook! It was love at first sight. I've made many yummy meals, thanks to the cookbook. And am absolutely thrilled at being included in the 10th anniversary edition.

Who knew that would ever happen when I made my first vegan pot, a few years ago??!!


  1. Oh, yay!
    Congratulations Jeanette, that's awesome :)

  2. congrats on getting in the book, is that you drinking from the cup? we hit 4 years in june being vegan after reading "the china study", plus we had just weaned the wee one from breast milk. i never thought that it would be difficult but it wasn't even inconvenient although i bet it was a bit more difficult to shop 15 years ago. and as i always point out to people who think that it's radical... beer is vegan. saw this the other day... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kathy-freston/a-cure-for-cancer-eating_b_298282.html anyway, congrats

  3. Thanks everybody!

    Jim- no, that is not me in the photo it is Sarah Kramer (wish I was that photo-genic!) I didn't realize you were vegan...
    I remember drinking soy milk fifteen years ago. The advances in soy milk (and almond- yum!) technology and marketing are pretty amazing!

  4. congrats on the inclusion and gorgeous photos!


  5. Thanks kittee! You are one of the people that I really need to thank!!! You definitely helped kick-start VeganDish and I think Sarah found me through the Herbivore article!

  6. Hi, Jeanette!
    That is really thrilling, and I am so excited for you! What a fun photo of Sarah drinking from one of your pretty mugs! And major kudos and congratulations on your 15 years of vegan vibrancy! :-)

  7. ZOMG, embarrassed to realize just now, WHOse blog I have stumbled upon!!!!

    I just LOVE your pots!!!!!
    Are you shipping to Germany, too?

  8. Thanks so much Gina, laloofah and itstartedwithafish!

    (and yes, I do ship to Germany...)
