
Quiet animals.

slab roller + clay

+ circle cutter

- excess clay

+ makers mark and star stamp

+ corn starch

(flip over) + rib

+ linocut hedgehog stamp + brayer + underglaze + old glass thingy

+ mold form

+ 24 hours

+ clear glaze

+ kiln magic

= quietanimals.etsy.com


  1. cool post... love to see the progression of a technique, very cool

  2. Great demo thanks. I know nothing about lino cuts, but hope to learn more about them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Amanda- where did your comment go? I was just coming to comment on your comment and now it is gone! You are correct, it does contain lead, but it also says food-safe....so what does that mean???

    (it was just a random bottle of low fire clear at the studio, I saw the food-safe label but didn't read the rest...I just assumed it would be lead-free...)

    So does that mean that some glazes containing lead can be food-safe?


    (I'm confused now.)

    ps- thanks jim and linda, I'm hoping to do more "process" post soon!

  5. Excellent post - I too enjoy seeing the process. About the lead issue here is some information that addresses the issue ... http://www.frogpondpottery.com/pottalk/lead.htm

  6. Thank you for the link, Gina!

    Guess I will be remaking all of my animal bowls!

    And thank you Amanda for bringing it to my attention! I feel really really really lame that I didn't notice it for myself.

  7. Ah, I did some research and found that is IS foodsafe. Scared the crap out of me at first when I saw it, but Mayco's a bic company and really secure in their claims.

  8. Even with Mayco's assurances and security in their testing, and firing the ^04 glaze to ^6 (which they also claim safe), I don't think I'll use it, for the multiple reasons JH mentions- particuarly the copper issues and kiln contamination. Even a huge company can't be 100%. These days you can't be too safe as a seller, even if you declare them lead-based glazes, you could get sued.
    And no one wants to be responsible for someone getting some sort of lead poisioning, or having birth defects or the like. Not a cool prospect. It would seem, though, that some folks in my studio have used it with abandon. Makes me wonder about possible contamination of shared kilns- and not just lead, but chrome fuming, and other possibly hazardous materials.
    Makes for some interesting thoughts on studio safety, especially in a shared environment.

  9. I love your pottery, and the step-by-step post. My cousin makes a lot of pottery. I've really treasured each piece he's made me. I want to learn, too.
