
change is good, right?

I feel a seachange coming over my work. I have been wanting to change my work for awhile now, but wasn't real clear on where I wanted to take it. I've felt a little stagnant lately. And knew it was time for a growth spurt. I just didn't know how.

So I made this flower brick:

I LOVED spending more time on this piece. I was able to be deliberate and thoughtful in the design. And I realized that I miss that aspect of pottery. I'm sometimes too focused on production and speed, that I lose the joy of working in clay.

And I saw a good show at Mudfire, that included Diana Fayt, Whitney Smith and Christa Assad. I've admired the work of these women for some time now. And seeing the work in person is a real treat. It was inspiring. It made me want to make pottery that reflects something more. Something different. So I made these:

After seeing these beautiful cake stands via Jen Mecca's blog. I knew I had to step it up a notch. So I made these:

I feel like I have gotten onto a different path. And I'm enjoying that. We'll see where this road takes me.


  1. change is good and although i prefer a monumental change and leap forward, i'll settle for a slow steady evolution... looks like you're taking a leap, congrats

  2. oh! i can't wait to see those cake stands after they're panted and glazed. love them!

  3. These creations are just lovely! Beautiful blog! :) please drop by mine too! :)

  4. Super gorgeous work! Love it!!!

  5. These are great! I look forward to seeing them totally finished!

  6. Oh, that's great to have that re-energised feeling! Lovely work x

  7. The flower stone is really beautiful!
