
New designs and a rare one-of-a-kind cake stand.

First, let's discuss this cake stand. If you came out to our open house over the holiday, you may have seen me throw this cake stand on the potter's wheel. Yes, that's right. 3 months ago.
I was demonstrating how to throw a cake stand in one piece. I usually make my cake stands in two pieces, throwing the plate and the base separately and attaching them later in the process.
But, by special request, I made a cake stand.

And then I decided to decorate it using mishima. (Molly Hatch's mishima tutorial.) Mishima is a technique that I am madly in love with. I'm hoping to incorporate it more heavily into my work this year- but for now it is just odds bits and pieces that get this treatment.

So this is an one-of-a-kind cake stand. It sat around the studio in various half-finished stages for the last 3 months. Finally- FINALLY glazed and finished. I rather adore it. And am thrilled that it came out as lovely as it did!

This year, I been playing around with place settings. I really enjoy making plates and the process of a full place setting. I added two different styles to my etsy shop.

New 2-tiered fruit bowl! A riff off of my popular hanging basket set. I often get requests for a counter top version. Easy to assemble and lovely for your counter or tabletop.

I'm finishing up my large lace cake stand order and getting ready to go into crazy berry bowl production mode. Spring is almost here, but I will admit to be a pinch excited at seeing the slightest sprinkle of snow on the ground this morning. All gone now though! 


  1. Love the new creations! 2-tier fruit, teapots, etc.

  2. Ohmygosh, that cake-stand is absolutely gorgeous! I love the intricate details... Such pretty pretty work. Please tell me you'll incorporate some of these new designs into your amazing salt cellars and batter bowls...?
