
Collaboration. Warning: curse word.

(be warned, if you are a sensitive type: there are a few swear words in this post and in a picture)

Kenn and I have been partners for nine years. And have shared a studio space for the last three. As was bound to happen, we have finally collaborated on a few projects.

Kenn is a screen printer and a woodworker. You can see examples of his work in his etsy shop and on his website. His work is detailed and intricate. Our aesthetics are quite different. And yet, they are also highly complementary.

 The "More Arts, Smarts and Hearts" wood pieces are a distillation of something that Kenn and I discuss on a regular basis. The idea that, as a culture, we need to encourage thinkers, makers and lovers. And begin to distance ourselves from the pervasiveness of idiocy, laziness and hate. The quote is my response to his "Boycott Bullshit" piece. Both are available in Kenn's etsy shop.

We also made some vegan-themed notebooks. (And by we, I mean that he screen printed them.) Using my illustrations and his collage work, Kenn worked his magic and now we have notebooks. Available in my VeganDish etsy shop.

Hopefully, 2013 will bring some more collaboration opportunities. It is always fun to kick ideas around and work together. Maybe one day he will even let me screen print!

ps- don't forget about our open studio this Saturday! You can see our workspaces and even watch us do a demo. If you are lucky, I won't have eaten all the cookies before you stop by.

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