
No, I haven't forgotten that I have a blog.

Hi. Just a quick post to let you know where I have been and where I am going!

First- I moved. Apartment and studio into one lovely space. It is slowly getting set-up. Nothing like doing a major move right before the holiday season! Brilliant planning on my part, I must say. Here is a look at my empty studio:

It is no longer empty, but is slowly filling with new work. My first firing in the new-to-me kiln resulted in a finished piece for the upcoming Day of the Dead Show at YoungBlood Gallery, here in Atlanta. Opening is Saturday, October 30. Show is up until November 23. Always a fun show, check it out if you get the chance. Sneak peek of my piece (will give you an idea of an idea that I am hashing-out):

Otherwise, it is lots of berry bowls, cupcake stands and hanging bowls. Doing my first glaze firing in the next couple of days. Fingers-crossed that my glazes work in the different kiln! I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on your move, your place looks like it will be amazing.

    and i love the colors on your los muertos project.

