
My summer vacation.

I wouldn't really call it a "vacation," but this summer has been surprising and fun and busy. Oh yeah, and really really really hot. But you probably already knew that part.

And just when we think we feel a bit of chill in the air *BOOM* back into the 90's we go.

This August I had the luxury of attending two wonderful pottery events. A Diana Fayt workshop at Mudfire Studio. And an anagama firing at Hambidge Arts Center.

The Diana Fayt workshop was something that I had looked forward to for months. I am a huge fan of her artwork. And have admired her for years. Her pieces are just divine. She gave a lovely slideshow and artist's lecture. And the demonstration was very informative.

It was a hands-on workshop, so everybody worked along side each other. It was great to see everyone's pieces coming together and watching the process from beginning to end. You can see us being good students and working away here.

According to Diana's etsy shop- she is working on a shop overhaul. Can't wait to see what she comes up with next! I suspect it will be amazing.

Here are a couple of the pieces I made.

I am not sure how/if this will get translated into my own work. I loved the process. And very much enjoy the final product. But it just doesn't feel like my own. So I am doing a few tests that incorporate her technique- hopefully I will find something that works for me. I enjoyed the drawing part very much. I don't do enough of that.

The very next weekend was the anagama firing. I saw a bear! I put up a tent! I hung out in the mountains for the weekend! It was fantastic! As a country-girl at heart, getting out of the city is such a treat. It was quiet. I could see the stars.

I had never done any woodfiring before. So this was all new. From loading the kiln to stoking the fire. A group of about 20 potters pitched in to get it done. Led by Rick Berman and Tom Egan.

The anagama kiln gets fired only a couple of times a year. And every year, I say "I'm going to do it this year." And every year, I fail. But not this year. And I'm glad I finally did it. It was a blast.

Next firing is October. So if you are in the area, sign-up! I don't know if I will be able to make the October firing, but I hope to.

Here is my favorite piece.

And a few shots of the process.

Hope this post finds you well and enjoying the last bits and pieces of your own summer! For me, well, its time to get back to work (just kidding, I didn't ever leave... I just left the internet.) I have some exciting news and plans for the end of 2010 and into 2011. Looking forward to sharing it with you!


  1. How exciting! I bet the Diana Fayt workshop was amazing. Wonder if she'll ever come to Canada? Here's hoping!

  2. The woodfiring sounds great! Love the new blog header too.

  3. Hi Krystal- it was great. I never ever go to workshops, but was not going to miss hers! Well worth it. (adore your work!)

    Hey Christabel!!! The woodfiring was fun. Nice to hang out with a bunch of fellow potters for the weekend. (I almost switched to wordpress and wanted to use the same template you have, but decided to stick with what I have... plus blogspot now has pages, like wordpress does- so yay! Maybe one day I will have a semi-professional looking website.)

  4. those turned out awesome Jeanette!
