
Pots for me.

I have been slowly finishing up a set of majolica dishes for myself. I wanted something completely different than my usual look and since I adore the beautiful red pots of so many other potters (Ayumi Horie, Kari Radasch, Ron Philbeck etc...), I ventured into earthenware.

I LOVE it. I loved throwing with it. I loved decorating it. I still have noodle bowls and plates to decorate. And a cake stand. When I get the time, I will finish those up.

Set of hanging bowls in my kitchen:

Feeling a very strong urge to do a serious red earthenware/majolica exploration. Not sure if it will actually see fruition or not. Wondering if it such a prudent idea to jump around in what I produce. I'm always telling myself that I need to focus and establish myself. But man, are the ideas swimming around in my head.

I'm not crazy about the actual decorating that I did, need to work on my drawing skills abit. But enjoy the overall feel. Maybe I can warm up the majolica base (with red iron? anyone? I'm using Linda Arbuckle's recipe.)

Pasta bowl with curry dinner:


  1. i think about the majolica adventure frequently... maybe someday. curry dinner looks yummy

  2. Your pasta bowl and the curry dinner look great! Have you thought about doing a non-traditional majolica with cone six stoneware?

  3. Hi Jim and Gina! Curry dinner was good. (I've just started a new vegan food blog, if you want the recipe... vegandishcooks.blogspot.com)

    Gina- I haven't explored cone 6 majolica. Does it have the same look? Just with a higher temperature firing? Will have to look into that...

  4. Look out that red clay is addictive!!! Ha. I've thought about majolica too.

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  6. I've used the maiolica glaze from John and Ron's "Mastering Cone 6 Glazes". I only used it once to make a custom piece but it worked great. If you have some customers who prefer stoneware it might be worth trying out.
