Well folks, the vegan month of food is almost over! Its been overwhelming, my reader is jam-packed with enough reading to keep me occupied for several more months. I realized that I eat a lot of orange food. I re-discovered that I like kale.
Hopefully you are having fun, too. And want to remember it enough to enter a contest for a "vegan mofo" mug and keychains!!! I have three mugs and several keychains, so there will be lots of winners.
Here's how it will go down. Simply leave a comment with a link to your favorite blog entry/recipe for the month (can be yours or someone else's) All relevant comments will be entered into the random drawing. To be picked and announced on October 31.
(If your profile/blog does not include an email address, please drop me a line at vegandish@gmail.com to make sure I have your contact information!)
Sorry, but this contest is only open to participates of vegan mofo.
***unrelated giveaway for one of my cupcake stands (and lots of other great stuff!) on another blog***
Cinnamon*Sticks Boutique: 12 Days of Christmas
OH MY GOD! I want a mofo mug soooooo bad! I love it!
It's so hard to pick a favorite... I have really been loving discovering all the new blogs and there are still so many to read and see. I feel like I add 5 new blogs to my blogroll everyday! it's crazy. One blog I've been loving is "Hell Yeah It's Vegan" and one of my favorite posts of hers was the one on how to make pickled okra:
because my boyfriend loves pickled okra, and it will be fun to try and make it for him.
but really, mofo this year is just amazing.
Oh my what an AWESOME give away.
There have been soooo many fantastic recipes from the MoFo'ers it's really hard to pin point just one. But one of the recipes that stuck in my mind the most is this one
INCREDIBLE giveaway!!!!!*jumpclapjumpclap*
Now I've wet myself...
Okay, back to "business" my favourite post so far, despite all the other MARVELLOUS posts I've come across, is this:
and simply because it hits home, soft and fat.... though I wouldn't limit my experiences as a fat (vegan) girl to the vegan world alone, since I gained that fat in pregan times and experience most of the hurt and hate in omni world... but the looks you get when you say you're vegan and they see your shape... priceless.
Because I am fat I am a real outsider and am always assumed to be "the curious yet daft omni" at any gathering and am handed all the pamphlets that might be making the rounds....
I was just checking out that pottery in my VegNews magazine. I love it.
There have been so many great posts during Vegan Mofo that it is hard to decide. I hate to admit it, but I'd probably have to pick one of my own (mainly because I'm so proud of myself for meeting the challenge of posting everyday with a newborn baby in the house; she's breastfed, so I guess that makes her vegan, too).
I was so excited to post my raw cupcake preview (http://rawdorable.blogspot.com/2009/10/new-rawified-cupcake-preview.html) from this year. I had also posted some from the past (http://rawdorable.blogspot.com/2009/10/for-your-pleasure.html). I'm currently following up with the recipes. I just love cupcakes :-)
My favorite vegan mofo post is :
This is an awesome giveaway!
Wow, this is great! Of course, picking a favorite is pretty near to impossible because people have really been bringing it this year. Hmmm. I'm going to have to go with Bazu's beautiful, touching post about her grandmother, which includes a recipe that I'm dying to try.
Hooray for Vegan MoFo! And for generous giveaways!
Oh exciting! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have seen so many recipes I want to try, but this one for chocolate mint thumbprint cookies really looked enticing! I'm making them for a party in November.
What a fun giveaway! Picking a favorite Mofo post is ridiculously hard, but I'm going to have to go with http://chowvegan.com/2009/10/13/veganmofo-home-style-vegan-meatloaf/ because I'd been looking for a vegan meatloaf recipe that looked bearable and this one takes the cake.
I love Andrea on Very Vegan Holiday. Everything she does just blows me away. My fave entry of all has to be this one, what with the spooky movie, the ridiculous number of Jack-o-lanterns and those freakin' cookies done with edible marker!
I would love to win a mug or a keychain! I am a huge fan of your pottery. My favorite mofo post (that is very difficult to narrow down) would have to be all the cakes Megan baked for her nana's birthday- they are so gorgeous!
and, um, this one! =)
oh me god. what a nice nice nice giveaway you're offering. i want.
my favorite post might be:
rayray puts peanut butter on everything, and making a sammich out of banana bread just seems c.r.a.z.y. crazy good, y'know?
This pizza is making me really hungry.
and i wish i had one of those vegan mofo cup!!!!
What a great contest! My favorite I think is from Molly, she posted about a whole bunch of restaurants that I didn't know about in town and I am so excited to try them.
Here's one that made me laugh. The accidental cheese thief.
That mug is so cute! Was your stuff in the recent vegan craft samples bag? I have a similar keychain...
This Vegansaurus entry had me rolling on the floor with laughter:
Love love love the mug and keychain. My favorite blog is yourveganmom.com by my seester-in-love!
Oh cool! I love the mug and keychains!! awesome :) vegan powerrrr haha
My favorite recent recipe (so many to choose!) would have to be the RAW chocolate post from
Heathy's raw blog
located here: http://rawgoddessheathy.blogspot.com/2009/09/raw-chocolate-101.html
SO YUMMY and EASY! everytime I come home to visit my parents I make my mom the Macaroons, she ADORES them!! :)
Ooh, that mug is seriously awesome.
My favorite (and I've even made it!) is this:
Oh that is such a beautiful mug!
My favourite posts this mofo have been from Rawdorable as she creates raw versions of the cupcakes in VCTOTW
Now I can go back and check out everyone else's favourites.
Both the mug and the keychains are beautiful. My own coffee mug is very jealous right now.
I've read so many blog posts I'm trying to keep them all straight. I did find a new blog that I really like and the post that jumps out at me is this one:
It has an adorable (though in need of help) dog, an admission that we all collect too many cookbooks and need to actually cook out of them more (I'm so bad at this), and it has pictures of food, the lentil soup one instantly inspired me to make soup Thursday night.
OMG your pottery is great!!! But now you're asking us to pick. I hate picking from such amazing-ness! How about I just pick myself that way I am not offending any of my friends...I pick my vegan, gluten and soy free banana bread/cake/or muffins that I made this week. There. Lame but I can't pick among friends :)
In the event I win I have a contact address on my blog but it's
I'd love the mug! I've been loving the Japanese food series at The Airy Way. Can't pick just one post! http://airyway.blogspot.com/
What a rad mug! I might even like it more than my current favorite (oversized, decorated in pawprints, says "Dog Lover" - so me!).
Let's see, it's hard to pick a single favorite post, so instead I'll just choose my most recently bookmarked veganmofo post: Chocolate Confetti by p.h.d.elicious (http://phdelicious.wordpress.com/2009/10/23/vegan-mofo-day-23-chocolate-confetti/)
Just in case my email addy isn't in my profile (so many accounts, can't keep 'em all straight), I'm easyvegan [at] gmail.com.
So far my favorite blog post is the Welsh Onion Cake from GVC (http://thegvc.wordpress.com/2009/10/03/welsh-onion-cake/#comments). It was delicious, and her blog is adorable.
I love the mug and the key chains! How cute!
email: neal.heather@gmail.com
Ooooh, that mug is sooo cute! One of my favorite posts for veganmofo is C'est La Vegan's triffle - so pretty! http://www.cestlavegan.com/?p=1977
wannabeavegan at gmail dot com
What a fantastic giveaway! I have reviewed so many blogs this month and discovered so many that I love, but one post that is especially outstanding in my opinion is the one on Miso soup with vegetables and yuba. http://airyway.blogspot.com/2009/10/miso-soup-with-vegetables-and-yuba.html It actually inspired me to go straight to the Asian grocer and buy some yuba!
How fun! I love your stuff and could totally imagine that mug filled with some delicious hot chocolate with Dandies marshmallows floating on top. Yum!
My favorite post so far has probably been Amey's from Vegan Eats & Treats called "My Favorites: Dishes!" http://veganeatsandtreats.blogspot.com/2009/10/veganmofo-14-my-favorites-dishes.html I like taking a peak into other peoples' kitchens!
I'm really liking this recipe: http://www.cestlavegan.com/?p=2024
Those are so beautiful! I love the idea of a MoFo mug - this is an awesome giveaway.
And yes, I am definitely enjoying VeganMoFo! I'm actually a little sad that it's almost over. Choosing a favourite post is hard, though. I can't say I've read every post so far, but right now this one is my favourite:
I love speculoos and Mihl knows a lot about it! It's very interesting.
But I love all the other MoFo entries I've read so far as well. I've been reading the posts mentioned in the comments before me, and there are obviously loads of great entries that I haven't even seen yet!
This is the best giveaway ever! But you're making it so difficult - I'm loving each & every MoFo post I read! So I'm totally going to cheat and just pick a post from those I've starred in my Google Reader. :P
Ah yes - Mel's post about peanut butter stuffed dates captured my attention! (http://urbangirlscoutcooking.blogspot.com/2009/10/banana-split-week-melted-banana.html)
Awesome giveaway!!
One of my favorite postings has been from "vegan megan". She did a vegan "chopped" challenge based on the show on t.v. Thought it was such a great idea to do with friends.
These are pretty great mugs!
I hereby link to: My Veggie Kitchen's Green Curry Paste!
My favourites have been from Cooking The Vegan Books http://veganefcliz.wordpress.com/ as she's reminded me over and over of books I own and don't use enough and things that I've made in the past and loved so I should be making them again!
Thanks for running this giveaway! I don't have a link to my email but if you leave a comment should I be lucky enough to win it will come right to me!
Your vessels are so amazing! I've been eyeing them for quite some time (after being introduced to them by the wonderful Sarah Kramer). I hope this is finally my chance to get my hands on one!
While I think it's going to take me weeks to get through all of the amazing blogs that are a part of VeganMoFo, my favorite post so far has been What Your Momma Didn't Know's post on Vegan chocolate stout Chili and "buttermilk" beer buns: http://whatyourmommadidntknow.blogspot.com/2009/10/vegan-chocolate-stout-chili-recipe.html. I love how many vegans play with using beer in recipes- it's such a great way to add depth and warmth to a hearty autumn or winter meal!
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