

So I was all excited about these oval bowls that I made today. Totally loving them. Enjoying the beautifully trimmed foot and the oval/warped rim. With the snazzy handles. However, as I'm looking at these pictures, I'm thinking "what the hell?" I was all excited to share them with you guys and see what you thought. Now, I'm a little embarrassed.

But I haven't posted in my blog for awhile, so I put them up anyway. Maybe they are just one of those pots that look better in person. And maybe I will love them again when I go back to the studio tomorrow.


  1. Hi Jeanette!
    I know exactly what you mean in your post. Photographing pots is tricky. There is an awareness that we alone have about the shape and the feel of the pots we make. Conveying all those variables in the finished piece is the "art of pottery", I guess, and even trickier when trying to do so in a picture.

    Good to hear from you.

  2. Your pots aer beautiful and those glazes are lushso keep feeling good about them.Judy

  3. They look great to me - especially the rims - love those. I often make pots that I like, then all of a sudden I don't like them - I think it happens to us all.

  4. I'm liking those bowls, fear not.

  5. i totally dig those snazzy handles

  6. Wonderful! You have to make what you love and trust your instincts!

  7. I feel the same way sometimes. I make something and really like it and then I take a photo and it doesn't look the same in the photo. Now I am starting to realize that photos only show one side or a portion of the the pot and not the whole or complete pot. Lovely bowl and great and unique handle, those glazes are great below.

  8. I just jumped over from your Etsy store. I love the 30 Rock bowl! I love Liz Lemon. I'm going to follow you and see what you are up to. I'm super interested in those gorgeous teapots. Gorgeous!!! Come visit sometime.


  9. oooo, 30 Rock!?

    I think the handles are really nice on this bowl. I forgot to mention, before.

  10. Thanks guys! I still liked them the next day. But a handle broke on one and the second one got a bad glazing...

    onward and upward! I will definitely try them again!

    re: 30 Rock, possibly the funniest show ever. The last episode was just hilarious and wonderful!
