
little ol' me.

With so much going on the past week around the world, I really felt silly putting up a blog post. After all, who wants to read about little ol' me?

But I took this picture a few days ago. I love the picture and the pieces. Turned out just lovely.

All 100 of my mugs have been made. (not finished, just made!) And I have moved on. Well, not totally. I have some new custom orders to fill. And since the pictured mugs sold to a favorite customer, I am going to make some more in that style.

Overall, the 100 mug challenge was a really great motivator. Another artist (unfortunately I don't know who...a featured seller on etsy...I will look it up tonight) once said "the more I make, the more I want to make." And that is definitely the case for me!


  1. I agree! Beautiful picture and beautiful mugs!! I need to make my way over to your shop to do some purchasing very soon...

    So impressed that you completed you 100 mug challenge!

  2. Congrats on the 100-mug challenge! I'm still in the middle of mine... THanks for the inspiration! The mugs in this post are sweet!

  3. i loooove that picture. that is my favorite color pink. this antique brownish pink. sooo pretty. make more! i have to agree to your last quote. i just want to throw pots now and you know i do. too bad i don't have any order. or good, because i just like to make it for myself.

  4. I agree. That glaze is a beautiful color and I love the belly on those mugs.
