

I am challenging myself to finish 100 mugs as quickly as possible (for me.) Here is 1-35. I started on Dec. 20th. These are mostly "vegan" mugs and about 15 of them are spoken for. These will be going into the bisque kiln tomorrow. It has been rainy and damp, so they are taking forever to dry.

Today we moved our studio back. YAY!!! Great way to start the new year!

1 comment:

  1. I've been working on a "100 Mugs in 100 days" project as well. Obviously my focus wasn't to improve my making speed, as there is nothing impressive about taking 100 days to do it; but I have been trying to make each one materially different. Cheryl Kinzel of Dragonfly Clay will soon be starting ths challenge also. it'll be interesting to see in what direction she takes it.
