
Love to Ayumi Horie.

"I love calling myself a potter; the word itself has no airs or smugness and carries with it a sense of timelessness. Nearly everyone, in every geographic place and at every point in time since human beings created settlements, has understood what a potter does; I feel I am part a meaningful continuum." -Ayumi Horie

Great quote from this amazing potter. Her philosophy and style are inspiring and ring-true. HUGE FAN!

(Plus she just raised $10,000+ for Obama/Biden by arranging a "Obamaware" sale with other potters on eBay.)

Interview here, in American Craft magazine.
Ayumi Horie's website.


  1. Obamaware! that sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out.
    Just discovered your work though! Was mug-shopping. I just posted one of yours, along with others, on my blog. Assumed you wouldn't mind and thought you might be interested :)



  2. Hey rosetung!
    Thanks for the blog post. Looks like you have a tough choice to make! Lots of great mugs on etsy, aren't there?
