

Sorry if you are squeamish! But it is kinda cool looking.

I have the biggest thumbs ever and they are very dear to me, so I was freaked out when I sliced one up really good. I had the brilliant idea to make a commemorative mosaic with my crashed pottery. My pottery felt otherwise.
But, it is all good. It doesn't hurt (unless I bang it on something, which I do, about twice a day.) However, it itches like crazy. Stitches come out on Monday.

Thanks to everyone that came out to our Spaghetti Fundraiser. It was an amazing turn-out and a wonderful show of support for our little co-op! I waited some tables and made some salads. It was a blast, but I am glad I was only a waitress for one night!


  1. Oh, ouch! The image of your thumb will be like a "Caution" sign in my mind. Was just thinking about taking the hammer to some old (and some new, unfortunately) pieces for mosaics. I'll proceed with more thoughtfulness from now on!

    Glad you get the stitches out soon!

  2. Love the Frankenstein-colored mug in the background. Hope your thumb heals fast.

  3. poor jz. you are ready for halloween, aren't you....

  4. You are the best....
    I hope your hand is feeling better...
