
VeganDish International starts.

Thanks to Sarah Kramer. Could she be any cuter?

Article from D la Repubblica delle Donne (page 66-67)

Translation according to babelfish:
Better a caprese post punk or the psico cake?

Translation according to iGoogle:
Caprese a better post punk or psycho cake?

Clearly, something was lost in translation....


  1. Hi there! I stumbled across your work somewhere, Etsy, perhaps? I think it's super cool so I added a link to your blog on mine! Keep up the good work!

  2. woohoo! cool deal. congrats. hey, i have a friend who know italian. maybe she can help decipher?

  3. I just stumbled upon your shop while poking around Etsy and WOW! Your pieces are beautiful... I hope you don't mind but I'm adding you as my 'pick of the week' on my blog. :)
