
Recycling clay. Yuck.

Sometimes I have to trick myself into doing things I don't like. I don't like recycling clay. Its amazingly messy, time-consuming and smelly. (Yes, smelly.) So to make it more exciting my recycled clay is becoming colored clay. So far I have blue, black and yellow. With grey and pink on the way...

Step 1: Dry out trimmings.

Step 2: Slake down trimmings with water and about 1/2 cup of vinegar. (Vinegar is to assist in breakdown of trimmings and aid in plasticity. Potters have also been known to use beer and *gross warning* pee.)

Step 3: Add colorant. I have been using a combination of mason stains and oxides.

Step 4: Mix well and run through sieve to remove lumps and homogenize.

Step 5: Transfer mixture to old pillowcase, and set out to drain.

Step 6: After a few days, clay will be firm enough to wedge-up and use!


  1. So you chose vinegar over pee. Interesting. :)

  2. Pee, huh? Wow...you learn something new everyday. How'd the cake stand turn out?

  3. *snort*
    um...yeah...I chose vinegar over pee. Call me a prude.

    (the cake stand is waiting to be fired....probably next week)

  4. the colored pieces look awesome, jeanette. very inspiring. i also love your 2-piece cut glass pitcher/vases. you should post a pic! sorry i haven't gotten back with you about your email yet, i thought i'd run into you... we'll talk about it. good luck at your show!

  5. Wow, that was totally informative! How interesting! I'm loving your blog :-)

  6. Well.... If you are out of vinegar and you're in a hurry.... Pee on it. Ha!!!

  7. Hola:
    Me encantaron sus sugerencias!
    En el norte de Argentina las comunidades tejedoras de hilados como la lana de oveja, llama, etc, acostumbran a juntar el orín (pis) de toda la familia durante algún tiempo, para teñir en hermosísimos violetas a sus lanas! y luego las tejen y todo el mundo las usa! Jaa
    Saludos cordiales, Kzu

  8. How much colourant do you use?
