
Finished scallops.

First batch of finished scallops. I had a bit of loss, because I rushed them and should have taken more time in the drying. But still, they make for a nice photo. I've already started the next batch. I promise to take my time this go-round!


  1. i like these a lot. I have been making 'scedged plate for a few years. do these have foot rings? I am throwing mine and trim the foot ring first, before I trim the edge. Mine crack if I cut them first then trim the foot.
    Anyway, I like these.

  2. Michael,
    Thank you! What a compliment! Your own work is truly amazing and inspiring. I enjoyed your blog, too!

    (They do not have foot rings, they are handbuilt from slabs. I thought of adding a thrown ring but haven't worked out the logistics...I have "scalloped" thrown plates, and had to do the foot trim first, and then the scalloping...)

  3. NICE Jeanette! You can handbuild the foot ring too...use a coil.
