

That's right. Cards. Available at VeganDish. The inspiration for these cards are many. Here is a list in order to break it down for you.

1. I love print-making techniques of all kinds but really haven't done any in years and years. Ever since I joined etsy, I've admired the work of Sonia Romero (sheridesthelion.etsy.com. So I finally splurged on some supplies and got to cutting some lino.

2. The critter challenge for the etsy mud team is this month. I couldn't decide on a critter. Spent lots of time looking at animal books and thinking about animals. I still haven't made anything for the challenge but I had to make SOMETHING animal-related. (Stay tuned for the critter challenge...from the previews I've seen its going to be very, very cute.)

3. These guys.

4. I've been wanting to make a line, where the proceeds specifically go to charity. The sale of these cards will allow me to donate to various non-profit organizations that need support. Hopefully, I will be able to rotate the charities every few months and spread the love.

5. Every now and then you've got to change it up! Try something new! Expand your horizons!

Anyway, I hope you like them! I've got more critters to print! Hedgehogs and squirrels and birds and maybe an armadillo?

1 comment:

  1. An armadillo?!? How CUTE!! I love these cards and I love how all the proceeds go to charity. Very cool.
