
Studio Visitors.

Most days there isn't much traffic in the studio. But today was different. Lots of rustling. Lots of scampering. Lots of activity happening in my peripheral vision.
So I'm off to find some humane traps. Because the exterminator has been mentioned. And I just don't see any need to kill these cute guys. Any suggestions?

I offered them (there are at least 4) potato chips and trail mix. The potato chips were gone first. They also like the biodegradable packing peanuts made from cornstarch.


  1. Awww -- I'd just catch them and keep them as pets. But we have a nutty household that way.

    We had a garter snake for 13 years because I caught it at camp one year when I was the nature lady and the kids wouldn't let me release it at the end of summer.

    Cute little buggers chewing on the chips -- eh? (April aka agru)

  2. Those are the cutest studio visitors! Aren't they sweet?

    In our old studio we would have rats visit from time to time. The are not nearly that cute!

  3. They really are very cute! And not camera shy at all!

  4. Aww!
    I've heard good things about this, but I haven't tried it personally:

  5. So cute, and such great taste in their dishes to eat from too!

  6. Aw! They are SO cute! They look like babies. I would have gone for the chips first too.

  7. Can't believe you were able to capture photos of them! How cute.

    I've had success in the past with the humane traps and using peanut butter as bait.

  8. April- I can't believe you had a garter snake for 13 years! Who knew they lived so long?

    I bought the hav-a-heart trap today. (Because that was the only option at my local ace hardware.) But no mice showed up.

    Even though I enticed them with peanut butter and cereal.

  9. So so cute! I just love little creatures!!!!!

  10. that is awesome. I'm just catching up on your blog, it's been a while. i just looove these shots. how funny would it be to leave out some snacks on your mouse dish. hey, now i know how that came about...
